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Debug Faster

Fully managed. Serverless. Limitless scale. Drastically reduce MTTR and engineering toil.


less expensive than commercial offerings.3x less expensive than Self-Hosted Prometheus.


Get started today for Free. No user/node based pricing. Yes, there is no catch!


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  • 100K Active Time Series
  • 14 day Retention
  • Up to 5 Users
  • Email/Slack/Discord Support


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Custom Pricing
  • Unlimited Active Time Series
  • 13 month Retention
  • Unlimited Users
  • Enterprise Support/SLAs
  • SSO, Role Based Access Control
  • Audit Logs
  • Custom Retention
  • Migration Support
  • SOC2 Report

Trusted globally by startups to fast growing unicorns.

"Migration from Prometheus to Oodle has been seamless. The support from the Oodle team has been top notch."

Platform Infrastructure Lead at a Unicorn healthcare startup

Enterprise-ready. Secure, Reliable, Compliant.

Oodle is built by a passionate team that has built and launched
world-class products like Rubrik Security Cloud, Amazon S3, DynamoDB and Snowflake.

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